Honest People More Healthy and Happy

Honest People More Healthy and Happy | To obtain a healthy body, make sure you always eat fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, and stay away from lies. According to research, more honest people who are physically and mentally.

A study showed that the average American lied 11 times in a week, ranging from "white lie" a sort of compliment, to infidelity or a more serious lies. According to research conducted by Anita Kelly, professor of psychology at Notre Dame, if we reduce the number of lies that we do, in fact we can achieve a higher life satisfaction..
Honest People More Healthy and Happy

"No lie is clearly associated with better health," said Kelly.

"Lying can cause stress to many people, triggering anxiety and even depression. Reduce lies not only good for your relationship, but also healthy," said Dr.Bryan Bruno, chairman of the psychiatry department of Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City.

A habit of saying and acting honestly for 10 weeks also make it more intelligent participants avoid lies. For example, responding to questions that could lead to a tendency to lie with another question as a diversion.
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